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- Do not have a ClickBank affiliate ID? You can sign up for free here.
- You can read more about how to use ClickBank hoplinks here.
- I would like to assure you that you Affiliate ID is safe. I am NOT tracking your affiliate IDs. The ID is NOT saved and used ONLY for the purpose of generating a ClickBank Hoplink.
- Please note that a pop-up window have to be open for the download to begin.
- If the downloaded Excel file contains the message: "There is no data for the date specified", then the update for that day has not been done yet. Please try again later.
- I try to update the CBtrends.com database as early in the day as possible. But, sometimes I simply do not have time to do it during the day. But, I guarantee that the update will be performed on the same day ClickBank releases the Marketplace XML feed.
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